
By default each Lando Drupal recipe will also ship with helpful dev utilities.

This means you can use things like drush, composer and php via Lando. This helps avoid mucking up your actual computer because you dont have to manage php versions, global composer dependencies and other less than savory things.

lando composer          Runs composer commands
lando db-export [file]  Exports database from a service into a file
lando db-import <file>  Imports a dump file into database service
lando drush             Runs drush commands
lando mysql             Drops into a MySQL shell on a database service
lando php               Runs php commands

Make sure you install Drush

If you are running Drupal 8.4+ then you will need a site-local install of Drushopen in new window. Check out Using Drush below for more info.

Usage examples

# Doing a drush site install
lando drush si --db-url=mysql://drupal9:drupal9@database/drupal9 -y

# Run composer tests
lando composer test

# Drop into a mysql shell
lando mysql

# Check the app's installed php extensions
lando php -m

You can also run lando from inside your app directory for a complete list of commands which is always advisable as your list of commands may not 100% be the same as the above. For example if you set database: postgres you will get lando psql instead of lando mysql.

Using Drush

As of Drupal 8.4+ it is preferred you use a site-local install of Drushopen in new window. For that reason Lando will not globall install a version of Drush for Drupal 9 sites.

You can site-local install drush by requiring it in your projects composer.json file.

lando composer require drush/drush

Once you do, Lando will be able to use drush normally.

Build steps

Once drush is listed in your composer.json it is also recommended to configure a build step to automatically install Drush before your app starts up. This ensures drush is available after lando start and during any other build steps or events.

Automatically composer install before my app starts

recipe: drupal9
      - composer install

If you find that Lando is not using your drush as expected, which can happen if you've modified composer to install in a different directory than its normal vendor you can take advantage of Lando's tooling overrides and specify an absolute path to your Drush.

    cmd: /path/to/my/drush

Default URL Setup

You may see http://default show up in many drush commands you run.

lando drush uli
// http://default/user/reset/1/1548025070/Px6PbLyJ_2laXqoDe6OukHXaX-cXExo4ErfrKbkqsE4/login

This happens because it is actually a difficult problem for Lando to 100% know the canonical URL or service that is serving your application. However you can set up your environment so that commands like lando drush uli return the proper URL.

    service: appserver

Using xdebug

This is just a passthrough option to the xdebug setting that exists on all our php services. The tl;dr is xdebug: true enables and configures the php xdebug extension and xdebug: false disables it.

recipe: drupal9
  xdebug: true|false

However, for more information we recommend you consult the php service documentation.

Importing Your Database

Once you've started up your Drupal 9 site you will need to pull in your database and files before you can really start to dev all the dev. Pulling your files is as easy as downloading an archive and extracting it to the correct location. Importing a database can be done using our helpful lando db-import command.

# Grab your database dump
curl -fsSL -o database.sql.gz ""

# Import the database
# NOTE: db-import can handle uncompressed, gzipped or zipped files
# Due to restrictions in how Docker handles file sharing your database
# dump MUST exist somewhere inside of your app directory.
lando db-import database.sql.gz

You can learn more about the db-import command over here